
Swedana promotes sweating to enable detoxification. Swedana helps in detoxification and reestablishing the balance between Vata, Pitta, and Kapha in the body. The sweat glands are one of the sources that eliminate toxins from the body. The thousands of sweat glands, when stimulated can help in mobilizing the toxins in the inner layers of the skin and muscles, getting rid of them. This benefit makes Swedana a critical preparatory procedure of the Panchakarma treatment.
Price: $35
Pinda Sweda

Pinda Sweda is a form of sweat therapy used to provide relief from pain and rejuvenate and strengthen the soft tissues, joints, and muscles. It is prepared with heated herbal ingredients inside a cloth and dipped in warm oils placed in local area or the full body. It is a very effective treatment to help repair damaged tissues, and usually symptoms subside shortly after.
Local - $120 Full Body - $150